Volume 31, 2025, Number 1 (Online First)

Volume 31 ▶ Number 1 (Online First)

  • Volume opened: 15 March 2025
  • Status: In progress

A quantum calculus framework for Gaussian Fibonacci and Gaussian Lucas quaternion numbers
Original research paper. Pages 1–14
Bahar Kuloğlu
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In order to investigate the relationship between Gaussian Fibonacci numbers and quantum numbers and to develop both a deeper theoretical understanding in this study, q-Gaussian Fibonacci, q-Gaussian Lucas quaternions and polynomials are taken with quantum integers by bringing a different perspective. Based on these definitions, the Binet formula of these number sequences is found, and some algebraic properties, important theorems, propositions and identities related to the formula are given. Thus, new perspectives are obtained in the analysis and applications of complex systems.

A note on Chebyshev’s theorem
Original research paper. Pages 15–26
A. Bërdëllima
Full paper (PDF, 262 Kb) | Abstract

We revisit a classical theorem of Chebyshev about distribution of primes on intervals (n, 2n) n\in\mathbb N, and prove a generalization of it. Extending Erdős’ arithmetical-combinatorial argument, we show that for all k\in\mathbb N, there is n_k\in\mathbb N such that the intervals (kn, (k+1)n) contain a prime for all n\geq n_k. A quantitative lower bound is derived for the number of primes on such intervals. We also give numerical upper bounds for n_k for k \leq 20, and we draw comparisons with existing results in the literature.

Some fundamental Fibonacci number congruences
Original research paper. Pages 27–40
Anthony G. Shannon, Tian-Xiao He, Peter J.-S. Shiue and Shen C. Huang
Full paper (PDF, 963 Kb) | Abstract

This paper investigates a number of congruence properties related to the coefficients of a generalized Fibonacci polynomial. This polynomial was defined to produce properties comparable with those of the standard polynomials of some special functions. Some of these properties are compared with known identities, while others are seemingly characteristic of arbitrary order recurrences. These include generalizations of, and analogies for, results of Appell, Bernoulli, Euler, Hilton, Horadam and Williams. In turn, the theorems lead to conjectures for further development.

This volume of the International Journal “Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics” is published with the financial support of the Bulgarian National Science Fund, Grant Ref. No. KP-06-NP6/12/02.12.2024.

Volume 31 ▶ Number 1 (Online First)

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