P. Siva Kota Reddy and U. K. Misra
Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, ISSN 1310–5132
Volume 19, 2013, Number 4, Pages 86–92
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Authors and affiliations
P. Siva Kota Reddy
Department of Mathematics
Siddaganga Institute of Technology
B. H. Road, Tumkur–572 103, India
U. K. Misra
Department of Mathematics
Berhampur University
Berhampur–760 007, Orissa, India
A signed graph (marked graph) is an ordered pair S = (G; σ) (S = (G; μ)), where G = (V, E) is a graph called the underlying graph of S and σ : E → {+, −} (μ : V → {+, −}) is a function. The restricted super line graph of index r of a graph G, denoted by RLr(G). The vertices of RLr(G) are the r-subsets of E(G) and two vertices P = {p1, p2 …, pr} and Q = {q1, q2 …, qr} are adjacent if there exists exactly one pair of edges, say pi and qj , where 1 ≤ i; j ≤ r, that are adjacent edges in G.
Analogously, one can define the restricted super line signed graph of index r of a signed graph S = (G; σ) as a signed graph RLr(S) = (RLr(G); σ′), where RLr(G) is the underlying graph of RLr(S), where for any edge PQ in RLr(S), σ′(PQ) = σ(P)σ(Q). It is shown that for any signed graph S, its RLr(S) is balanced and we offer a structural characterization of restricted super line signed graphs of index r.
Further, we characterize signed graphs S for which RLr(S) ~ Lr(S) and RLr(S) ≅ Lr(S), where ~ and ≅ denote switching equivalence and isomorphism and RLr(S) and Lr(S) are denotes the restricted super line signed graph of index r and super line signed graph of index r of S, respectively.
- Signed graphs
- Marked graphs
- Balance
- Switching
- Restricted super line signed graph
- Super line signed graphs
- Negation
AMS Classification
- 05C22
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Siva Kota Reddy, P. & Misra, U. (2013). Restricted super line signed graph RLr(S). Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 19(4), 86-92.