Salah Eddine Rihane, Mohand Ouamar Hernane and Alain Togbé
Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics
Print ISSN 1310–5132, Online ISSN 2367–8275
Volume 27, 2021, Number 4, Pages 1–14
DOI: 10.7546/nntdm.2021.27.4.1-14
Full paper (PDF, 249 Kb)
Authors and affiliations
Salah Eddine Rihane
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Abdelhafid Boussouf University
Mila 43000, Algeria
Mohand Ouamar Hernane
Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari-Boumedièene (USTHB),
Faculté de Mathématiques, Laboratoire d’Algèbre et Théorie des Nombres
BP 32, 16111 Bab-Ezzouar, Alger, Algerie
Alain Togbé
Department of Mathematics, Statistics
Purdue University Northwest
1401 S, U.S. 421, Westville IN 46391, United States
Let be an integer. In this paper, we use the method of Tzanakis to transform the quartic Thue equation
into systems of Pell equations. Then, we determine all primitive solutions
- Parametric Thue equations
- Method of Tzanakis
- Continued fraction
- Linear form in logarithms
2020 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 11D59
- 11D09
- 11D75
- 11D25
- 11A55
- 11J86
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Rihane, S. E., Hernane, M. O., & Togbé, A. (2021). A parametric family of quartic Thue inequalities. Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 27(4), 1-14, DOI: 10.7546/nntdm.2021.27.4.1-14.