Diana Savin
Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, ISSN 1310–5132
Volume 20, 2014, Number 2, Pages 10–19
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Diana Savin
Ovidius University of Constanta
Faculty of Mathematics and Computers Science
Bd. Mamaia no. 124, Constanta, 900527, Romania
A study of Fibonacci primes of the form x2 + ry2 (where r = 1; r = prime or r = perfect power) is provided.
- Fibonacci numbers
- Quadratic fields
- Computational number theory
- Algebraic number theory computations
AMS Classification
- 11D25
- 11S15
- 11Y40
- 11Y50
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Savin, D. (2014). Fibonacci primes of special forms. Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 20(2), 10-19.