A note on Mersenne Padovan and Perrin numbers

Bir Kafle, Salah Eddine Rihane and Alain Togbé
Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics
Print ISSN 1310–5132, Online ISSN 2367–8275
Volume 27, 2021, Number 1, Pages 161–170
DOI: 10.7546/nntdm.2021.27.1.161-170
Full paper (PDF, 215 Kb)


Authors and affiliations

Bir Kafle
Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science
Purdue University Northwest
1401 S, U.S. 421, Westville IN 46391, USA

Salah Eddine Rihane
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Abdelhafid Boussouf University
Mila 43000, Algeria

Alain Togbé
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Abdelhafid Boussouf University
Mila 43000, Algeria


In this paper, we determine all the Mersenne numbers which are in the sequences of Padovan and Perrin numbers, respectively.


  • Padovan numbers
  • Perrin numbers
  • Mersenne numbers
  • Linear form in logarithms
  • Reduction method

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification

    • 11B39
    • 11D45
    • 11J86


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Cite this paper

Kafle, B., Rihane, S. E., & Togbé, A. (2021). A note on Mersenne Padovan and Perrin numbers. Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 27(1), 161-170, DOI: 10.7546/nntdm.2021.27.1.161-170.

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