On Πk–connectivity of some product graphs

B. Chaluvaraju, Medha Itagi Huilgol, Manjunath N., and Syed Asif Ulla S.
Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, ISSN 1310–5132
Volume 21, 2015, Number 2, Pages 70–79
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Authors and affiliations

B. Chaluvaraju
Department of Mathematics, Bangalore University
Central College Campus, Bangalore – 560 001, India

Medha Itagi Huilgol
Department of Mathematics, Bangalore University
Central College Campus, Bangalore – 560 001, India

Manjunath N.
P. E. S. Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics
Bangalore, India

Syed Asif Ulla S.
Department of Mathematics, Bangalore University
Central College Campus, Bangalore – 560 001, India


Let k be a positive integer. A graph G = (VE) is said to be Πk-connected if for any given subset S of V(G) with |S| = k, the subgraph induced by S is connected. In this paper, we consider Πk–connected graphs under different graph valued functions. Πk–connectivity of Cartesian product, normal product, join and corona of two graphs have been obtained in this paper.


  • Subgraph of a graph
  • Vertex induced connected subgraph
  • Degree of a vertex

AMS Classification

  • 05C40


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Cite this paper

B. Chaluvaraju, Medha Itagi Huilgol, Manjunath N., & Syed Asif Ulla S. (2015). On Πk–connectivity of some product graphs. Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 21(2), 70-79.

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