Congruent numbers via the Pell equation and its analogous counterpart

Farzali Izadi
Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, ISSN 1310–5132
Volume 21, 2015, Number 1, Pages 70–78
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Farzali Izadi
Department of Mathematics, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University
Tabriz, Iran


The aim of this article is twofold. The first aim consists of introducing several polynomials of one variable as well as two variables defined on the positive integers with values as congruent numbers. The second aim is to present connections between Pythagorean triples and the Pell equation x2dy2 = 1 plus its analogous counterpart x2dy2 = − 1 which give rise to congruent numbers n with arbitrarily many prime factors.


  • Congruent numbers
  • Pell equations
  • Pythagorean triples
  • Diophantine equations
  • Elliptic curves

AMS Classification

  • Primary: 11D09
  • Secondary: 11E16, 14H52


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Cite this paper

Izadi, F. (2015). Congruent numbers via the Pell equation and its analogous counterpart. Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 21(1), 70-78.

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