Aleksander Grytczuk
Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, ISSN 1310–5132
Volume 19, 2013, Number 1, Pages 14–18
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Aleksander Grytczuk
Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Econometrics
University of Zielona Góra
4a Prof. Szafrana Str., 65-516 Zielona Góra, Poland
In 1964, A. Mąkowski and A. Schinzel ([8], Cf.[6]) conjectured that for all positive integers m, we have
where σ denote the sum of divisors function and φ is the Euler’s totient function.
Let P be the set of all odd primes and
P* = {p ∈ P; p = 2αk + 1; α ≥ 1; k > 1; (k,2) = 1}.
Moreover, let
where (mj, mk) = 1; for all j ≠ k, j, k = 1, 2, …, r. In this paper we prove that if n ∈
then we have . From this and Sándor’s result it follows that (*) is true for all positive integers m ≥ 1 such that the squarefree part of m ∈
- Arithmetical functions
- Mąkowski–Schinzel conjecture
AMS Classification
- 11A25
- 11N37
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Grytczuk, A. (2013). On the composition of the functions σ and φ on the set Zs+(P*). Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 19(1), 14-18.