An improved solution of Σi=1k 1/Xi = 1 in distinct integers when xixj for ij

Nechemia Burshtein
Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, ISSN 1310–5132
Volume 16, 2010, Number 2, Pages 1–4
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Authors and affiliations

Nechemia Burshtein
117 Arlozorov Street, Tel Aviv 62098, Israel


An improved solution of the title equation with k = 52, x52 = 1963 is exhibited. This is the best known result thus far.


  • Diophantine equations
  • Egyptian fractions

AMS Classification

  • 11 – Number theory


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  6. P. Erdös. Written communication, December 1970.
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Cite this paper

Burshtein, N. (2010). An improved solution of Σi=1k 1/Xi = 1 in distinct integers when xixj for ij. Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 16(2), 1-4.

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