On the one-sided orderability for semigroups

A. Baxhaku and M. Aslanski
Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, ISSN 1310–5132
Volume 6, 2000, Number 2, Pages 45–55
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Authors and affiliations

A. Baxhaku
Faculty of Natural Sciences,
University, Tirana

M. Aslanski
Faculty of Natural Sciences
South-West University-Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria


In the papers of Merlier [5] and Saito [7] there are given some necessary and sufficient conditions on the linear orderability of the bands. Similar questions on semigroups are treated by Jordjev, Todorov [4] and Todorov [9]. In the last paper there are studied for the first time the one-sided orderable semigroups. We considerably enlarge the last studies, giving conditions under which a given semigroup should not be linearly orderable, (being perhaps left or right stable orderable) and conditions when a semigroup is not one sided orderable, or when it is no-one-sided orderable.


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  3. Gabovich, E., Totally ordered semigroups and their applications (Russian), Uspehi Mat.Nauk 31(1976), no. 1(187), 137-201.
  4. Jordjev, K., and Todorov, K., On the total orderability of finite semigroups, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, 1985, 258-262 (Bulgarian, English summary).
  5. Merlier,Th., Sur les cr-bandes finies et les demi-groupes totalment ordonnes a-simple, Semigroup Forum Vol 4(1972), 124-149.
  6. Plemmons,R., Cayley tables for all the semigroups of order < 6.
  7. Saito,T., The orderability of idempotent semigroups, Semigroup Forum, Vol 7(1974), 264-285.
  8. Schein, B.M., Problem 8, Semigroup Forum 1 (1970), 90-92.
  9. Todorov, K., On the linear orderability of two classes of finite semigroups, Semigroup Forum, Vol 45(1992) 71-76.
  10. Zibina,L.D., Semigroups where every order is two-sided stable, (Russian) Selected questions of contemporary mathematics, (Ped. Inst. of Leningrad, Hertzen), Leningrad, 1967.70-76.

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Baxhaku, A. & Aslanski, M. (2000). On the one-sided orderability for semigroups. Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 6(2), 45-55.

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