A parametrised family of Mordell curves with a rational point of order 3

Ajai Choudhry and Arman Shamsi Zargar
Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics
Print ISSN 1310–5132, Online ISSN 2367–8275
Volume 26, 2020, Number 1, Pages 40–44
DOI: 10.7546/nntdm.2020.26.1.40-44
Full paper (PDF, 115 Kb)


Authors and affiliations

Ajai Choudhry
13/4 A Clay Square, Lucknow – 226001, India

Arman Shamsi Zargar
Department of Mathematics and Applications, Faculty of Science
University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
Ardabil 56199-11367, Iran


An elliptic curve defined by an equation of the type y2 = x3 + d is called a Mordell curve. This paper is concerned with Mordell curves for which d = k2; k ∈ ℤ; k ≠ 1. The point (0, k) on such curves is of order 3 and the torsion subgroup of the group of rational points on such Mordell curves is necessarily ℤ/3ℤ. We obtain a parametrised family of Mordell curves y2 = x3 + k2 such that the rank of each member of the family is at least three. Some elliptic curves of the family have ranks 4 and 5.


  • Mordell curves
  • Rank of elliptic curves

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification

  • 11D25
  • 11G05


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Cite this paper

Choudhry, A., & Zargar A. S.(2020). A parametrised family of Mordell curves with a rational point of order 3. Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 26(1), 40-44, DOI: 10.7546/nntdm.2020.26.1.40-44.

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