NNTDM with increased Impact Factor 0.4 for 2023

The Editorial Office of International Journal “Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics” is pleased to announce that in July 2024 its Journal Impact Factor increased and from 03. for 2022 it is now 0.4 for the year 2023. The Journal was also assigned for the first time with a quartile, Q4 in category “Mathematics”, with JIF percentile 22.6 and JIF Rank 379/489.

Among the key indicators in the Journalʼs Performance report for NNTDM are the following:

  • Journal Impact Factor (JIF) for 2023: 0.4
  • Journal Impact Factor without Self-Citations for 2023: 0.3
  • 5-Year Impact Factor for 2022: 0.3
  • Journal Citation Indicator (JCI): 0.34
  • Cited Half-life: 4.0 years
  • Citing Half-life: 13.1 years
  • Top 20 journals citing NNTDM:

We use the opportunity to thank all our Editorial Board members, voluntary reviewers, authors and readers, without whose constant high quality work and dedication the Journal would not have been able to achieve this long deserved recognition.

Further reads:

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