Maximal trees with log-concave independence polynomials

Eugen Mandrescu and Alexander Spivak
Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics
Print ISSN 1310–5132, Online ISSN 2367–8275
Volume 22, 2016, Number 2, Pages 44–53
Full paper (PDF, 182 Kb)


Authors and affiliations

Eugen Mandrescu
Department of Computer Sciences, Holon Institute of Technology
52 Golomb Str., Holon 5810201, Israel

Alexander Spivak
Department of Computer Sciences, Holon Institute of Technology
52 Golomb Str., Holon 5810201, Israel


If sk denotes the number of independent sets of cardinality k in graph G, and α(G) is the size of a maximum independent set, then

    \[ I(G;x)=\sum_{k=0}^{\alpha(G)}s_k x^k \]

is the independence polynomial of G (I. Gutman and F. Harary, 1983, [8]). The Merrifield–Simmons index σ(G) (known also as the Fibonacci number) of a graph G is defined as the number of all independent sets of G. Y. Alavi, P. J. Malde, A. J. Schwenk and P. Erdos (1987, [2]) conjectured that I(T,x) is unimodal whenever T is a tree, while, in general, they proved that for each permutation π of {1, 2, …, α} there is a graph G with α(G) = α such that sπ(1) < sπ(2) < … < sπ(α). By maximal tree on n vertices we mean a tree having a maximum number of maximal independent sets among all the trees of order n. B. Sagan proved that there are three types of maximal trees, which he called batons [24].

In this paper we derive closed formulas for the independence polynomials and Merrifield–Simmons indices of all the batons. In addition, we prove that I(T,x) is log-concave for every maximal tree T having an odd number of vertices. Our findings give support to the above mentioned conjecture.


  • Independent set
  • Independence polynomial
  • Log-concave sequence
  • Tree

AMS Classification

  • 05C05
  • 05C69
  • 05C31


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Cite this paper

Mandrescu, E., & Spivak, A. (2016). Maximal trees with log-concave independence polynomials. Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 22(2), 44-53.

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