The Golden Ratio family and the Binet equation

A. G. Shannon and J. V. Leyendekkers
Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, ISSN 1310–5132
Volume 21, 2015, Number 2, Pages 35–42
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Authors and affiliations

A. G. Shannon 
Faculty of Engineering & IT, University of Technology
Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia &
Campion College
PO Box 3052, Toongabbie East, NSW 2146, Australia

J. V. Leyendekkers
Faculty of Science, The University of Sydney
NSW 2006, Australia


The Golden Ratio can be considered as the first member of a family which can generate a set of generalized Fibonacci sequences. Here we consider some related problems in terms of the Binet form of these sequences, {Fn(a)}, where the sequence of ordinary Fibonacci numbers can be expressed as {Fn(5)} in this notation. A generalized Binet equation can predict all the elements of the Golden Ratio family of sequences. Identities analogous to those of the ordinary Fibonacci sequence are developed as extensions of work by Filipponi, Monzingo and Whitford in The Fibonacci Quarterly, by Horadam and Subba Rao in theBulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society, within the framework of Sloane’s Online Encyclopedia of Interger Sequences.


  • Modular rings
  • Golden ratio
  • Infinite series
  • Binet formula
  • Fibonacci sequence
  • Finite difference operators

AMS Classification

  • 11B39
  • 11B50


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Shannon, A. G., & Leyendekkers, J. V. (2015). The Golden Ratio family and the Binet equation. Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 21(2), 35-42.

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