Some Diophantine equations concerning biquadrates

Ajai Choudhry
Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, ISSN 1310–5132
Volume 21, 2015, Number 4, Pages 1–5
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Authors and affiliations

Ajai Choudhry
13/4 A Clay Square,
Lucknow, India


This paper is concerned with integer solutions of the diophantine equation x14 + x24 + x34 = k x42 where k is a given positive integer. Till now, integer and parametric solutions of this diophantine equation have been published only when k = 1 or 2 or 3. In this paper we obtain parametric solutions of this equation for 43 values of k ≤ 100. We also show that the equation cannot have any solution in integers for 54 values of k ≤ 100. The solvability of the equation x14 + x24 + x34 = k x42 where k could not be determined for three values of k ≤ 100, namely 34, 35 and 65.


  • Biquadrates
  • Sums of biquadrates

AMS Classification

  • 11D25


  1. Dickson, L. E. (1992) History of the Theory of Numbers, Vol. 2, Chelsea Publishing Company, reprint.
  2. Heath, T. L. (1910) Diophantus of Alexandria, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press.
  3. Piezas, T. A collection of algebraic identities, (Accessed on 22 May 2015).
  4. Proth, M. F. (1878) Propriété des nombres de la forme 6x + 1, Nouvelle Correspondance Mathématique, 4 , 179–181.
  5. Realis, S. (1878) Note sur quelques équations indéterminées, Nouvelle Correspondance Mathématique, 4, 346–352.
  6. Realis, S. (1880) Questions proposées, Nouvelle Correspondance Mathématique, 6, 238–239.

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Cite this paper

Choudhry, A. (2015). Some Diophantine equations concerning biquadrates. Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 21(4), 1-5.

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