Isomorphism testings for graph CG(a, b)

Worrawate Leela-Apiradee and Yotsanan Meemark
Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, ISSN 1310–5132
Volume 18, 2012, Number 3, Pages 20–34
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Authors and affiliations

Worrawate Leela-Apiradee
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok, 10330 Thailand

Yotsanan Meemark
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok, 10330 Thailand


Let G be a finite abelian group such that G ≠ {0} and a, bG \ {0}. Let CG(a, b) be the graph whose vertex set is G and the edge set is given by
E = {{x, x + a}, {x, x + b}, {x, x − a}, {x, x − b} : xG}.
In this work, we use the properties of finite abelian group to derive isomorphism testing on the graph CG(a, b) defined above. We study classes of isomorphic graphs. This work generalizes Nicoloso and Pietropaoli’s paper [2].


  • Circulant graph
  • Finite abelian group
  • Isomorphism classes

AMS Classification

  • 05C25


  1. Fraleigh, J. B. A First Course in Abstract Algebra, 7th edn, Pearson Education, Kingston, 2003.
  2. Nicoloso, S., U. Pietropaoli, Isomorphism testing for circulant graphs, Tech. Rep, Vol. 664, 2007, IASI-CNR, Rome, Italy.

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Cite this paper

Leela-Apiradee, W., & Meemark Y. (2012). Isomorphism testings for graph CG(a, b). Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 18(3), 20-34.

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